Diamond SupraMax DSL642WLG v1 Router Login Information

To access your Diamond SupraMax DSL642WLG v1 ( also known as DSL642WLG ) you will need the IP address and the login data (username and password).

Important: This is not the login data for your Internet service provider.

You can find this information in the Manual of your Diamond SupraMax DSL642WLG v1 ( also known as DSL642WLG ) router. If you don't have the manual at hand or don't want to search the complete manual for the login credentials, you can use the Quick install guide which you can find below. To access the router login page it is important that you are connected to the router. Tip: If you have Wi-Fi problems and it is not possible to connect to the router, you can connect your computer and the router with a LAN cable. The default network name (SSID) of your SupraMax DSL642WLG v1 ( also known as DSL642WLG ) router is Wireless .

Login Guide for Diamond SupraMax DSL642WLG v1

  • Open your preferred browser and enter in the address bar to access admin panel of your router. login page

  • Then you will see 2 fields where you can enter the router username and password.

    Diamond SupraMax DSL642WLG v1 router default login

  • According to our database the default username of your Diamond SupraMax DSL642WLG v1 router is admin and the corresponding password is password.
  • Enter the username and password, click on the login button and now you should have access to the user interface of the router.

If the credentials do not work, try the following method

In the list below you can find some of the most commonly used username/password combinations of Diamond routers. Try the following combinations. If you have problems logging in to the router or you have forgotten your password.

Username Password

The most common IPs used by Diamond routers

You have tried several different IP addresses and still none of them work? Then you should try the IP addresses from the following list.

Default Router IP

Nothing of the methods worked for me and I still not get access to my Diamond SupraMax DSL642WLG v1!

If nothing helped and you really need access to your SupraMax DSL642WLG v1 router, there is also the possibility of a factory reset. In most cases you can perform a factory reset by pressing a small button on the back of the router for 10-20 seconds. After that the router lights up and needs some minutes to reset all settings. After a factory reset the router loses the connection to all other connected devices and some devices have to be reconnected to the router after such a reset. If you are unsure, you should consult an expert to help you set up the router again.

Manuals for Diamond SupraMax DSL642WLG v1

Manual - Diamond SupraMax DSL642WLG v1

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